Clevamama Bath Mat & Kneeling Cushion

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€18,99 EUR


Extra Long Bath Mat with Kneeling Cushion

ClevaMama® Baby Bath Mat with Kneeling Cushion is designed to help prevent toddlers and young children from slipping during bath time. The extra-long cushioned non slip bath mats has suction pads which stick firmly to the full length of most household baths and is perfect for bathing more than one child at a time, making playtime at bath time, fun time.

The Kneeling Cushion is a super comfy pillow for parents knees and It's where we thought about your comfort too.

Extra-long & super soft (91 x 43 cm) with kneeling cushion (19 x 43 cm) for mum or dad for extra comfort. The ClevaMama® Baby Bath Mat is lightweight and quick drying.

    First Instructions:

    • Ensure surface of bath is clean before fitting mat.
    • Position mat on wet surface and press down on all suction cups firmly to secure.  
    • The mat must be flat and secure before use.
    • Check suction cups at regular intervals to maintain adhesion.
    • Do not use the baby bath mat with bath oils. 
    • Keep away from heat sources.
    • Please retain packaging for future reference.

    ClevaMama® Baby Bath Mat is available in 91x43 cm with a style under the sea. Suitable for babies from 0 months+.

    Custom Tab 01

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