Giorgio Armani Si Fiori Edp

Giorgio Armani
Out Of Stock
€124,00 EUR
  • 100ml
  • 50ml
  • 30ml


The perfume version of "no makeup" make up, 'Si - Fiori' is a luminous and delicate fragrance inspired by the simple, yet complex grace of a flower. Fiori, meaning 'flowers' in Italian incorporates Neroli, a light and blooming Mediterranean flower. Effortlessly floral, this Eau de Parfum resembles the sparkling scent of a Mediterranean garden that glows as the sun sets. Authentic and natural, this fragrance embodies a complete glow. Blended with top notes of sparkling green mandarin and energetic blackcurrant, it glows in its initial impression. The heart consists of neroli essential oil and rose. The addition of vanilla and white musk add sensuality and elegance. Si is the Italian word for 'yes' and reveals the contemporary femininity of Giorgio Armani, the 'Si - Fiori' woman has incredible confidence within her own skin. Circling the neck of the Armani 'Si - Fiori' bottle is a gold ring that symbolises the promise of eternity, a perfect gift.

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