Elie Saab Le Parfum Essentiel Edp

Elie Saab
In Stock
€76,00 EUR
€94,00 EUR
  • 30ml
  • 50ml
  • 90ml


The new, essential perfume by Elie Saab, combined with the effervescence of mandarin.

Through “Le Parfum Essentiel”, Elie Saab welcomes a new interpretation of its signature perfume, Le Parfum, for the woman who truly values what’s essential. The fragrance evokes a sense of beautiful escape; away from the hustle and bustle of the city, and into a journey to discover her roots, values, and self.

Experience a reinvention of the trademark orange flower and patchouli of Elie Saab’s perfumes. Within the sparkling Mandarin Accord, notes of Gardenia Flower flourish to express the quintessence of femininity. At the base, a note of Cedarwood gives strength to its wearer.

The luxurious bottle is adorned with the calligraphed seal of the Elie Saab Fashion House. Inside, the subtle pink of the fragrance lends itself to complete the experience of Le Parfum Essential, a perfume that is truly emblematic of femininity itself.

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