Clarins Super Restorative Rose Radiance Cream

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€98,00 EUR


What makes it so special?

  • Firming effect.
  • Densified Skin.
  • Smoothed skin texture.
  • Luminous and even complexion.
  • Instant healthy glow.
  • Energy booster for skin and morale.
For this generation of Rose Radiance Cream, Clarins Research targets the loss of rosy radiance in menopausal skin.

At the heart of its unique formula is the new [PEPTIDE - POMEGRANATE POWER] radiance complex that helps to even out the complexion and re-energise the skin. The result: Smoother skin reflects light better and comes to life with an instantly healthy rosy glow.

Clarins has combined organic gorse and harungana extracts to target the signs of sagging skin caused by the fall in hormones during menopause. Together, they form a powerful duo with lifting and densifying properties. Skin appears re-densified, lifted and firmer.

The rosy hue of Rose Radiance Cream acts as an energy booster for both skin and morale, offering an immediate beautifying effect that revives the radiance of all women, whatever their skin type and complexion.

Made of 93% natural ingredients, Rose Radiance Cream offers a smooth, enveloping texture. It absorbs easily with no greasy residue when applied to the skin.

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