Issey Miyake L'eau D'issey Pure Edp

Issey Miyake
Out Of Stock
€48,00 EUR
  • 30ml
  • 50ml
  • 90ml


Incarnated by the salty sea breeze of Maritima combined with Ambergris, L'EAU D'ISSEY PURE derives from a new aquatic story. Maritima, an exclusive IFF molecule, evokes cool clear waters, while Ambergris, with its mineral and animal inflections, brings sensuality and breadth to the fragrance. A floral bouquet sparkles, as if floating on a wide expanse of sea. Crystalline Lily-of-the-Valley responds to the brightness of Orange Blossom. Plunge into their delicate white trail. Then come other, denser flowers. Essence of Rose Damascena once again imbibed with the morning dew from when it was picked, brings with it opulent Jasmine in a heady explosion of petals. The ocean crossing continues. In the base notes, the call of Cashmeran* rings out, with musky and woody resonance.

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