Hugo Boss - Boss The Scent For Her Intense 50ml

Hugo Boss
Out Of Stock
€70,00 EUR
€88,00 EUR


Introducing the irresistibly seductive BOSS THE SCENT INTENSE For Her Eau de Parfum 50ml by Hugo Boss; a richer take on the original BOSS THE SCENT For Her. Laced with amplified aphrodisiac notes, the women's perfume features a high, heady concentration of aromatic oils that enhance the wearer's seduction journey.

That journey begins when fruity top notes of peach and freesia blossom intertwine, igniting the attraction between the woman who wears it and the man she has captivated. As the two get closer, the voluptuous heart of Osmanthus absolute manifests into a deep, dark accord, before a rich base of dark cocoa is unleashed.

Intensified by sensual vanilla, the cossetting note of cocoa arouses the senses, beckoning the wearer and those around her to get caught up in the moment. Presented in a diamond-shaped perfume bottle - flowing upwards to a precious jewel on top of the flacon - BOSS THE SCENT INTENSE For Her is the ultimate object of desire.

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