Clarins Resculpting Flash Roller

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€35,20 EUR
€44,00 EUR


Clarins 2-in-1 massage tool helps gently sculpt and promote a 'lift' effect fo facial contours. One end contains a roller to help lymphatic drainage and the other end contains a curved shaped tool called Gua Sha.


  • Microcirculation is stimulated
  • Skin is toned & gains radiance

89%*of women say their skin's radiance is boosted.

83%* of women find their features are resculpted.

*Consumer test – 109 women, after 28 days of use.


How to Use This Product

Starting with the roller, move from the corners of the mouth towards the temple, applying gentle pressure. Repeat 7 times.

  • Place the roller under the eye and work towards the ears. Repeat 5 times.
  • Place the roller under the chin and work down the neck. Repeat 5 times.
  • Move from one side of the forehead to the other, applying a gentle pressure. Repeat 5 times.
  • Use the curved head on the jawline, working upwards towards the ears with a firm pressure. Repeat 5 times.
  • Repeat on the other side of the face.



Custom Tab 01

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