Calvin Klein Obsessed For Men 75ml

Calvin Klein
Out Of Stock
€37,20 EUR
€62,00 EUR


Fragrance family: oriental

Fragrance notes
Top notes: Cedar leaves
Heart notes: black vanilla
Base notes: Amber

The Fragrance
As the re-invention of an iconic fragrance, CALVIN KLEIN OBSESSED evokes memory through scent. Mixing memory and desire, masculine and feminine, the past and the present, these compelling fragrances echo the original OBSESSION, yet blur and reformulate scents for both men and women today.

At the heart of OBSESSED FOR MEN is the memory of a past love, triggered by the scent of another on the skin. Genders are subverted and layered with the traditionally feminine note - dark vanilla - harnessed for the men’s fragrance, which together with amber and woods strengthen the sense of masculinity in the men’s fragrance. It is this tension, a compulsive push and pull that makes the wearer return to the fragrances time and again.

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